01 February 2010

Building Relationships: Service-based Businesses Go Above-and-Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Email Responses

If you offer services vs. products, you may require much more information from prospects before providing pricing, turnaround time or other specifications.

In the interest of time (don't we all want it now?) potential clients usually want an immediate answer, but you know it's not that simple. And it's best to remain true to the process that works best for you so, in the end, the information you provide is accurate and thorough. To do that, you want to find out more about them, their offerings, their target market and their short- and long-term visions for the business.

"I own two companies with a partner. How can we utilize your services?"

It's a great question; and one that deserves your full attention. Respond immediately with an email to acknowledge receipt and invite them to set up a telephone or video appointment to discuss their specific requirements. Here's an example:

"At XYZ Company we are committed to customized solutions for each client. One-size-fits-all just doesn't work: there are too many variables. We know your time and efforts are valuable and that's precisely why we don't want to waste them. You see, if we don't understand your business, we may not be fully maximizing our contribution to your success. During our comprehensive and complimentary 30-minute consult, we discover how we can best serve you. We want you to experience excellence. Follow this link to our online calendar and set up your appointment today."

Email is limited in its ability to fully communicate either their needs or your ability to meet those needs. During the fact-finding mission (the call), you are able to discern much more than you can by simply submitting your standard price sheet or a link to your prices page. After all, you are building a relationship. That doesn't happen in one email interaction or even one telephone call, but you're much closer to really understanding how your services can benefit them after speaking directly. A personal appointment gives both participants a chance to connect on many other levels.

When you are in a service business, there are no homogenous answers to what you can provide. Fundamentally, what you can provide is based on client requirements. Services can be customized in so many ways and that's where an open dialogue is incredibly helpful.

You take pride in flexibility. You have worked hard to offer value-based services. You owe it to yourself and your potential customers to construct a customized solution and effectively maximize your contribution to their success.

An initial 30-minute consultation saves much time, effort and aggravation in the future. You understand exactly what they need and they know you understand their business. You can provide specs based on that clear understanding. And what better way to begin establishing your connection than to be crystalline-clear from the very beginning. Should they hire you, with mutual understanding, the outcome can only be superior.

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