ebook Support Services

Even with a comprehensive step-by-step eBook-writing guide, you may still:

  • have questions about navigating the process of writing your eBook
  • be unsure about choosing a savvy title from several excellent options
  • want help developing a realistic time line for completion
  • need a little motivation or inspiration
  • desire a collaborative partner to create a book-marketing plan

Whatever your circumstance, it's comforting to have direct access to someone who genuinely cares as much about your business success as you do, and knows exactly how to equip you with the tools you need to progress.
Call it what you like... brainstorming, consulting, championing, collaborating, cheerleading or coaching. No matter the term, when you require a focused, insightful, objective, intuitive and knowledgeable perspective based on a solid foundation of business experience and expertise, Charlon Bobo is your trusted partner in eBook writing success.

You can schedule a private, customized consultation with best-selling author and eBook author Charlon Bobo via either of these methods:

Both in-studio and telephone appointments are available. Please choose an option below (under Consultation Costs) and click on the corresponding Purchase now button to begin the process.

Office hours
Monday through Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM Pacific Time. Additional days and times are available on an individual basis: just ask!

Consultation Costs

Virtual Hours
(via telephone)
$  75 | 1 Hour  Purchase now
$325 | 5 Hour Package  Purchase now
$550 | 10 Hour Package  Purchase now

In-Studio Packages
(private cottage located in the historic
Beach Hill area of Santa Cruz, California)
$295 | 1/2 day  Purchase now
$545 | 1 Full day  Purchase now

Full payment via PayPal is required to reserve an appointment. Upon payment receipt, you will be contacted via email to set an appointment date and time that is convenient for you. Please Note: Payments are non-refundable under any circumstances.

Consultations cancelled via email at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment time are allowed a one-time reschedule of the date and time. All fees paid are forfeited in full for consultations cancelled via email within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment.

The address of Charlon Bobo's private studio location will be provided upon receipt of your paid consultation. The studio is conveniently located in the Beach Hill area of Santa Cruz, California, off Highway 1.

"I just finished my second business consultation with Charlon and she has far surpassed my expectations for our meetings. She is so upbeat and enthusiastic. It doesn't matter what I need help with; she dives right in and the perfect answers/solutions/strategies flow effortlessly. The content is so rich and full that by the end of an hour, my head is spinning with possibilities. The term overdelivery doesn't begin to describe our sessions."
Gina Rafkind
President, VedaSun